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Planning Board Minutes 01-07-2016

January 7, 2016
Two Public Hearing’s

Members & Staff Present:                
Jeanne Cahoon (Member), Chris Condon (Chair) Michael Frosch (Member)
 Colleen Giffin (Planning Assistant)   Bob Holmes (Alternate)                                      
Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)   Steve MacDonald (Member)   Janet McEwen (Member)  
 Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)    
Members Absent:    Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)   Mike Genest (Ex-officio)      

Public attendance: Truman Sizemore, Diane Sizemore, Neil Jerominek, Mary Allen, Scott Burnside, Kristina Burnside
Presentation By: Fieldstone Consultant Chris Guida
7:00PM Public Hearing:

Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00

The Highway Business District

Pursuant to RSA 675:3 and 675:7, Notice is hereby given that the Antrim Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday,
January 7, 2016 at its regular meeting beginning at 7:00 PM at the Antrim Town Hall to present a proposal to expand the Highway Business District, as follows:
  • to change the portions of Parcel #232-35 & 35.1 that are in the Rural District to the Highway Business District;
  • to change Parcels #232-31 & 32 from Rural to Highway Business District; and
  • to change Parcels #232-63 & 64 from Residential to Highway Business District.
The Public Notice for the Highway Business District was read. The notice had been posted on the Town Hall bulletin boards,
the Post Office bulletin board, The Villager newspaper, and the Town of Antrim website. The Public Notice and that all the abutters had been notified by certified mail.

Chair Condon explained how the parcels listed in the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment (for the March Ballot) would be affected by the zoning change.

Chair Condon asked for public questions. The abutters present asked to see a map of the area. A map had been set up for this purpose and
Chair Condon invited the Abutters up to the front to look at the map.
Question: Will taxes go up on these properties if the change goes through?
Answer: Chair Condon no, the changes will only be in what you can now do with the land.

There were no further questions or discussion.

Chair Condon closed the hearing to the public. The proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment will go on the ballot in March.

Burnside #2015-07PB Lot Line Adjustment and Annexation (Map220 Lots 41 & 42)

Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at 7:00 PM Thursday, January 7, 2016 at the Antrim
Town Hall on the request of Scott & Kristina Burnside by and through their agent, Fieldstone Consultants for a
Lot Line Adjustment and Annexation of properties located on 379 Clinton Road (Map220 Lots 41 & 42) Antrim, NH 03440 Residential Districts.

The Public Notice was read. The notice had been posted on the Town Hall bulletin boards, the Post Office bulletin board,
The Villager newspaper, and the Town of Antrim website and that all the abutters had been notified by certified mail. Chair Condon read Ms. Ogilvie’s staff report.

Waiver Request Letter from Fieldstone Consultants see attached.

Chair Condon reviewed the checklist and asked for comments from the Board. He stated that he would read the checklist line by
line if anyone wished him to do so. No such request was made.

Motion to accept the application: Mr. MacDonald moved to accept the application. Mr. Frosch seconded.
Discussion: None
Vote: By a voice vote, the application was approved.

Public Hearing

Chris Guida explained the proposal for the Lot Line Adjustment and Annexation of properties located on 379 Clinton Road (Map220 Lots 41 & 42).

Chair Condon asked for questions from the Board. There were none.

Chair Condon asked for questions from the Abutters. There were none.
Public hearing was closed.
Deliberation: none

Motion:  Mr. Frosch motioned to approve the application Ms. Cahoon Seconded.
Discussion ensued.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Frosch yes, Ms. Cahoon yes, Mr. Lazar yes, Mr. Condon yes, Mr. MacDonald yes, Ms. McEwen yes.
The following conditions apply to this approval:
Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in
the meeting minutes dated December 17, 2015 and subsequent meetings as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.

Subject to payment of LCHIP $25.00 fee at time of approval.


Motion to Approve                                  Date: January 7, 2016

Motion made by: Mr. MacDonald   Motion seconded by: Mr. Frosch

Jeanne Cahoon
Chris Condon
Michael Frosch
Jesse Lazar
Steve MacDonald
Janet McEwen

Business Meeting:

The December 30 Out-Of-Schedule meeting was discussed. Chair Condon informed the Board members that had not been
present that Co-Chairs for the Community Profile Steering Committee had been chosen. Kristen Vance and Michael Rondeau will
Co-Chair the entire project. The first committee member, Shelly Nelkens, was also present at the December 30 meeting.
The first meeting of the Steering Committee will be held on January 18 at the Small Town Hall at 3pm.
Mr. Holmes asked if a permanent liaison was going to be appointed between the Steering Committee and The Planning Board.
Chair Condon believes that a one or more members of The Planning board will become committee members allowing communication between the Board and the Committee.
The budget was discussed and it was agreed that an amount needed could not be reached until after the first meeting with a UNH facilitator.

Approve December 17, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Mr. Lazar moved to approve the Meeting Minutes as presented of December 17, 2015. Mr. Frosch seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Ms. Cahoon moved to adjourn 8 pm, Mr. Frosch seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin
Planning Department Assistant